If you're still wondering about office design ideas for the company, learn about the trend of minimalist office design - one of the trends is the choice of many businesses to achive sustainable development

In the first part we have learned about the concept and benefits of a minimum office space with business. So, what are its characteristics and what are its design principles? Discover all this information in Part 2 to really understand this minimalist trend of office design and decide whether to choose it as an office space for your business.

Basic features of the minimalist office

In addition to the benefits, the minimalist office features are the main factors that attract many business owners to choose from.

1. Small furniture

The basic characteristic of minimalism is simplicity - minimalism. Everything is clean, there are very few exposed decorations, every interior detail is calculated for the most scientific decoration. However, not for the office to lack any utilities or features.

2. Usually use versatile interiors

In order both to fully meet the needs of utilities and functions of the ass of office space and also to minimize most furniture, the minimalist trend of offices always chooses multipurpose furniture. They are furniture with many hidden functions, which can be folded, narrowed, extended or arbitrarily extended.

3. Use minimalist colors

Minimalist desktop design trend that doesn't use too much color. Includes accent colors, background colors and neutral colors.

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4. Use the inside with a simplified form

One of the ideal features of a minimalist office is the compactness of space thanks to the simplicity of furniture design, saving space. For example, instead of box desks, minimalist offices tend to use multiple Z-desk legs. Use well-formed objects not only for the skiemej area but also to expand the space and make the space simpler and easier to breathe

Some minimalist office principles

Businesses and architects should understand some of the minimum design principles of the office to help highlight the workspace be transparent and help highlight the office's personality stand out and be clearly shown as a true minimalist space. 

1. Do not use more than 3 colours in a space area

In a space without partition you should not use more than 3 colors otherwise will cause confusion in the eyes. Usually, 3 colors are the most appropriate, including background color, main color, and accent color. Some of the color patterns that minimalist offices often prefer are:

- Colour background white, accents of brown wood and main color black.

- white background color, red/brown yellow accents, main grey color, grey.

2. Keep the breathing space

Keep walls clean and empty, keep the corridor area clear and reserve a certain area for corridors.

3. Minimal interior and decoration

The functional interiors meet the maximum needs of an office but should combine furniture with hidden functions. Office decoration can be met with color art and interior selection.

4. Reasonably split the office

The distribution of seating, corridors and space between seats should guarantee privacy principles, but not too empty space. Architects can use colour, interior and light as boundaries between spaces. In addition, the spaces serving different functions need to be clearly separated, of course not always using partitions, but as mentioned above, colors, furniture and lighting can be demarcated.

Above there is information about the features, as well as principles of minimalist office design principles that AfA Design wants to share. If you still have any questions or if you are wondering to find a design style for your office. Do not hesitate to contact AfA Design, we will fully support all the experience and knowledge we have. Contact us now at +84 (0) 915-075-858 or in our fanpage inbox.