In winter, we often can't open the windows, which makes the office very confusing. Then the office interior design company of the AfA Design office reveals 5 ways to help you maintain the office well ventilated in winter without having the windows open. 

The secret office environment can make your staff uncomfortable and your boss dissatisfied. In summer, we can open the window to face this mystery. However, the low temperature in winter keeps the office close. The air is not released and suffocates us. How to help the air of the office to circulate, well ventilated without having to open the windows. The simple shapes that the interior design company AfA Design presents below will help you.

1. Use mechanical ventilator, air purifier

If the desk is tight and you can't open windows or windows without windows, use an air cleaner or fan to keep the office airy and comfortable. Depending on the size of your desktop, choose machines with the right capacity. Choose a reputable supplier and have a guarantee that in the operating process, if there is an error or you want to return a more suitable product, you can easily flexibly.

2. Place plants for air purification

Trees are one of the factors that help to purify the air very well. Therefore, add vegetation to the office, especially in hidden corners and hidden spaces. Note should choose green inverse photosynthetic plants. That is, they will absorb carbon and release oxygen at night. Some trees with this feature are tiger tongue, aloe vera... In many projects, the office interior design company of the AfA Design office also suggests that investors should add trees to the office. Not only to purify the air but also to make the space safer and more friendly with people.

3. Using essential oil lamps

Essential oil lamps help to deodorize the office and provide a feeling of relaxation. You can choose between several essential oil lamps with a weak smell and put them in the office during winter days. Not only makes the office atmosphere easier to breathe, but it also relaxes the mind. See more: The great thing about principle 5s in the office

4. Keeping the floor still dry and clean

The dust has always been a factor in reducing the air quality of the office. Especially in dry and dry weather in the North, the dust made people even more uncomfortable. So, get rid of these agents keeping their floors clean and dry.

5. Keep the office clean and tidy

An ordered space will eliminate negative emotions and facilitate air circulation. So you always keep the office tidy and tidy. You can arrange wall cabinets or office drawers for furniture storage staff. These are a few tips to help keep your office neat and tidy. The air has a significant impact on people's mood and health. If the office environment has a clean and airy atmosphere, it will have many positive effects to help improve employee morality and ensure their health. Hopefully, some of the above tips can help keep your office clean and aerated during these cold winter days.


AFA Design - Office design according to the identity of the brand, creative office, creation of "green" spaces with lots of experiences. Bring new solutions for space and materials to optimize cost, time...